List of ISI Journals -------------------- Domain : Science Subdomain : Software Engineering Journal abbreviation ISSN Journal name Type IF2012 Publisher Pos ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACM T GRAPHIC 0730-0301 Transactions on Graphics A 3.361 ACM 01 IEEE T AUTON MENT DE 1943-0604 Transactions on Autonomous Mental Development A 2.171 IEEE 02 COMPUT AIDED DESIGN 0010-4485 Computer-Aided Design B 1.264 Elsevier 03 INT J COMPUT INTEG M 0951-192X Int. Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing C 0.944 Taylor 04 VISUAL COMPUT 0178-2789 Visual Computer C 0.909 Springer 05 COMPUT AIDED GEOM D 0167-8396 Computer Aided Geometric Design C 0.810 Elsevier 06 COMPUT J 0010-4620 Computer Journal C 0.755 Oxford 07 STUD INFORM CONTROL 1220-1766 Studies in Informatics and Control C 0.554 ICI-RO 08 J COMPUT INF SCI ENG 1530-9827 Journal of Information Science in Engineering C 0.488 ASME 09 VIRTUAL REAL 1359-4338 Virtual Reality C 0.341 Springer 10 -------------------- Int. = International