List of ISI Journals -------------------- Domain : Science Subdomain : Industrial Engineering Journal abbreviation ISSN Journal name Type IF2012 Publisher Pos ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TECHNOVATION 0166-4972 Technovation A 3.177 Elsevier 01 IND MANAGE DATA SYST 0263-5577 Industrial Management & Data Systems B 1.674 Emerald 02 ERGONOMICS 0014-0139 Ergonomics B 1.674 Taylor 03 J PROD INNOVAT MANAG 0737-6782 Journal of Product Innovation Management B 1.572 Wiley 04 RES ENG DES 0934-9839 Research in Engineering Design B 1.562 Springer 05 DESIGN STUD 0142-694X Design Studies B 1.545 Elsevier 06 COMPUT IND ENG 0360-8352 Computers & Industrial Engineering B 1.516 Elsevier 07 INT J PROD RES 0020-7543 Int. Journal of Production Research B 1.460 Taylor 08 SAFETY SCI 0925-7535 Safety Science B 1.359 Elsevier 09 IIE TRANS 0740-817X (Institute of Industrial Engineers) IIE Transactions B 1.287 Taylor 10 INT J IND ERGONOM 0169-8141 Int. Journal of Industrial Ergonomics B 1.208 Elsevier 11 J ENG TECHNOL MANAGE 0923-4748 Journal of Engineering and Technology Management C 0.967 Elsevier 12 QUAL ENG 0898-2112 Quality Engineering C 0.941 Taylor 13 IEEE T ENG MANAGE 0018-9391 Engineering Management C 0.893 IEEE 14 STROJ VESTN-J MECH E 0039-2480 Strojniski Vestnik-Journal of Mechanical Engineering C 0.883 SRA 15 QUAL RELIAB ENG INT 0748-8017 Quality and Reliability Engineering International C 0.681 Wiley 16 PROD PLAN CONTROL 0953-7287 Production Planning & Control C 0.660 Taylor 17 SYSTEMS ENG 1098-1241 Systems Engineering C 0.656 Wiley 18 J MECH SCI TECHNOL 1738-494X Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology C 0.616 Springer 19 IEEE IND APPL MAG 1077-2618 Industry Applications Magazine C 0.483 IEEE 20 -------------------- Int. = International